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Sydef - The Stockist

We are packing up freshness. Sydef is small and nimble, and we have no middlemen: we make sure every 100 grams of Brewneo tea we send out are fresher and tastier than anything you've ever had to date. We deliver the most delicious Brewneo tea from Munnar Valleys to the world every single day.

Tea is our World

It's rooted deep in our families and culture. It's the world we have grown up in and know from up close, the gardens of Darjeeling and Assam, the Himalayas looming as a backdrop. We are steeped in a legacy that's centuries old. We value it and uphold this inheritance.

Tea is our Escape

It's your opportunity to create a moment: for stillness, for reflection, for yourself. It's your connection to a world of senses; flavors both exotic and familiar, energizing and relaxing.It's your retreat from an increasingly turbulent world. It is the perfect paradox of simplicity and complexity

The Health Benefits of Black Tea

Black tea is the oxidized leaf of the tea bush. It is the same plant as green and oolong tea, but is left to oxidize longer than either of these and so has a different, generally stronger flavor and different health benefits.

Black tea stores better than other types of tea and can keep its flavor for several years. Black tea has fallen out of favor recently as green tea has become more popular. However, black tea has many benefits that green tea does not, so it can be included as a beneficial part of any diet.

Black tea has many health benefits, most of them stemming from the polyphenols it contains, which are a type of antioxidant. Antioxidants are protective chemicals which prevent free radicals from damaging the body.

Black tea has been shown to reduce some symptoms of heart disease and may even help to keep blood cholesterol levels from rising. Some studies have also linked the consumption of black tea to a reduced rate of diabetes.

Nutritional Contents